Targeted Recruiting

We have never been into using long strings of business buzzwords to describe what we do, as our approach is to keep things simple: 

  • Experience matters. We have a team of experienced, proven staffing professionals with the thought that when you know and like what you’re doing and don’t have to deal with corporate stressors that you’ll be more efficient and able to spend more time serving your clients.

  • Don’t be pushy. We know through experience that if you ask the right questions and are upfront and honest with candidates and clients, that no “sales tactics” are needed to successfully complete the recruitment lifecycle.

  • Treat candidates and clients like people. We got into this industry because we love meeting new people, so we don’t view our clients and candidates as numbers. We take our time to get to know people at their core, not because it’s our job, but because that’s who we are at our core.
